Tractor mat and long free chassis
When the child leaves the real world and touches the realization
of simulated and more realistic
The world of the phone, with its thousands of realistic patterns embodied in games
Even the adults got that luck
Because they lost those feelings in reality, so you quickly
??? find the child broke the game you see it like that, no
It is not a matter of cracking but
rather a curiosity and a love for him to know
How to do any movement you do, and from his curiosity comes
the destruction of the game, which is
Makes you look at him as a spoiler, the right not
He is trying to discover the silence of the game in his hand
in which he cannot find anything moving or active
Or action, so he tries to find out why, and because it is already
silent, it is destroyed by his own experiences with it
جرار حر حصيرة طويل :
عندما يترك الطفل العالم الواقعى ويلمس تحقيق محاكاه وواقعيه اكثر فى
عالم التليفون بما يحمله من الوف من انماط الواقعيه متجسدة فى العاب
حتى الكبار نالهم تلك الحظ,
لانهم فقدو تلك الاحاسيس فى الواقع ,لذالك سرعان ما تجد الطفل قام بتكسير اللعبه ,
انت تراها كذالك , لا ؟؟؟ الامر ليس تكسير بل هو فضول وحب منه لمعرفه
كيف تقوم بأى حركه تقوم بها,ومن فضوله ياتى التدمير للعبه والتى
تجعلك تنظر اليه على انه مخرب الحق لا,,
هو يحاول اكتشاف صمت اللعبه فى يده لا يجد بها شئ متحرك او فعال
او اكشن فيحاول معرفه لما , ولانها بالفعل صامته تتحطم من تلقاء تجاربه عليها,,
: Product specification
Material : Aluminum
Size : 25 cm - 40 mm
Color : Any color you like
$ Price : 220
.Handmade product
.Limited quantities
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