" Silver tipper trailer | onecar

Silver tipper trailer

Silver tipper trailer, new size and color, and metal tires

Silver tipper trailer, new size and color, and metal tires

And with a new experience, the metallic oven colors are special for cars

It features a bead in its shape that is not available in all electrostatic colors

And the real silver color is beautiful in that trailer that gives it a sense of spaciousness and grandeur

The jars come to you in a new color and you can choose from unspeakable metallic colors

And it is supported by a metal wheel, a ball bearing, which carries 5 kg, doors and movable mirrors

Movable box, and the new one is that the box sits between the two pillows, meaning that you can load the tractor

Any shapes you want in the form of tubes, such as pens, which is a feature of this product

مقطورة قلاب سلفر وحجم ولون جديد واطارات معدنيه :

ومع تجربه جديده الوان  الفرن الميتالك وهى خاصة بالسيارات

وتتميز بخرزة فى شكلها غير متوفرة فى كل الوان الألكتروستاتيك

وحقيقى اللون السلفر جميل فى تلك المقطورة يضفى عليها احساس بالوسع والكبر 

يأتيك الجرار باللون الجديد ولك ان تختار من الوان الميتالك ما يفوق الوصف

وهى مدعمه بعجل معدنى رولمان بلى اى يحمل 5 كيلو جرام ابواب ومرايا متحركه 

صندوق متحرك والجديد ان الصندوق يجلس بين مخدتى U اى انه يمكنك تحميل الجرار 

باى اشكال تريدها فى شكل انابيب مثل الاقلام وهذة خاصية فى هذا المنتج 

And with a new experience, the metallic oven colors are special for cars

It features a bead in its shape that is not available in all electrostatic colors

And it is supported by a metal wheel, a ball bearing, which carries 5 kg, doors and movable mirrors

: Product specification

Material : Aluminum

Size   : 22 cm - 40 mm

Color : Any color you like

$ Price : 210

.Handmade product

.Limited quantities

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Five pieces gift you never imagined

Engineering projects, metalworking, aluminum, antiques, advertising materials, handicrafts


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