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Free tractors and heavy loads

 Free tractors and heavy loads

Free tractors and heavy loads

It is a development project primarily and not only engineering

industries or promotional or entertainment materials

It is noticed that in today's generation, his connection to the game

 in his hand has become weaker than before from the previous

generation, and phone, computer, and Play station games

 have occupied a great place in his interest and follow-up

But with the development of games, they became mimics

 of reality and with the introduction of newer software

 the game became more realistic even though it is something

intangible in his hand, but he has feelings on his feelings that make

him associated with it, and he actually left the sensible world with

 all its entertainment materials

The child likes his toys, he gets it and soon you find that he

abandons it and leaves it, and when

الجرارات الحرة والأحمال الثقيلة متعة حقيقية :

هو مشروع انمائي بالدرجة الاولى وليست صناعات هندسيه اومواد دعائيه 

اوترفهيه فقط ,

الملاحظ فى جيل اليوم اتصاله باللعبه التى فى يده اصبح ضعيفا عن ذى قبل 

من الجيل السابق واصبحت العاب التليفون والكومبيوتر

والبلاي استيشن ,تحتل مكانه كبيرة فى اهتمامه ومتابعته,

ومع تطور الالعاب اصبحت تحاكى الواقع ومع دخول برمجيات احدث, 

اصبحت اللعبه اكثر واقعية مع انه شئ غير ملموس

بيده ولكنها تملك على مشاعره احاسيس تجعله مرتبط بها, 

وترك بالفعل العالم المحسوس بكل ما فيه من مواد ترفهيه,

الطفل يعجب بلعبه ما , يحصل عليها وسرعان ما تجده زهد فيها وتركها ولما,,

It is a development project primarily and not only engineering  industries or promotional or entertainment materials

It is noticed that in today's generation, his connection to the game   in his hand has become weaker than before from the previous

of reality and with the introduction of newer software   the game became more realistic even though it is something

: Product specification

Material : Aluminum

Size   : 22 cm - 40 mm

Color : Any color you like

$ Price : 210

.Handmade product

.Limited quantities

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Five pieces gift you never imagined

Engineering projects, metalworking, aluminum, antiques, advertising materials, handicrafts


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