" Garbage Truck | onecar

Garbage Truck

 Garbage trucks : and final assembly

Garbage trucks : and final assembly

The environmental services car ranked second in sales after the

 bus, even though it is the garbage university, but it ranked second

 and not last, because it really has importance in all of our lives and is

 indispensable for its workers and it is true that it is one of the

 most cars with all its designs, which exceeded 12 designs

very difficult to implement because you You want to work

 with materials that do

 not allow you to do that and you cannot form everything you

 want so we are deliberately conducting and testing many

 materials to reach a specific goal and flexible performance

 but the last thing is in

 front of you and in your hands there is no like it in the whole

 world and there are other models and designs more complex

 but these are the least and simplest of them

But it is chic, practical, and really fun

سيارة جمع المخلفات والتجميع النهائي

سيارة خدمات البيئه احتلت المرتبة الثانية فى المبيعات بعد الاتوبيس مع انها 
جامعة القمامة ولكنها احتلت مرتبه ثانيه وليست اخيرة لانها بالفعل لها اهميه
فى حايتنا جميعا ولا غنى عنها ولا عن العاملين عليها وحقيقي انها من اكثر
السيارات بكل تصميماتها والتى تعدت 12 تصميم صعبه جدا فى تنفيذها 
لانك تريد اكشن بخامات لا تسمح لك بذالك ولا تستطيع تشكيل كل ما 
تريده لذالك نحن نتعمد الى اجراء واختبار خامات كثيره لنصل الى غايه 
معينه واداء مرن  ولكن اخر الامر هاهى امامك وبين يديك لايوجد مثلها فى 
العالم اجمع وهناك موديلات اخرى وتصميمات اكثر تركيبا ولكن هذة اقلهم 
ولكنها شيك وعمليه ومسليه حقا

The environmental services car ranked second in sales after the bus,

and not last, because it really has importance in all of our lives and is

front of you and in your hands there is no like it in the whole

: Product specification

Material : Aluminum

Size   : 35 cm - 40 mm

Color : Any color you like

$ Price : 420

.Handmade product

.Limited quantities

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Engineering projects, metalworking, aluminum, antiques, advertising materials, handicrafts


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